June 14

Year 9- This weeks work…

Hi All,

This week we will be recalling and retrieving from all the units we have covered previously.

The lessons will be a mixture of short, recall tests and extended tasks to get you to remember and use key Ao1 and Ao2 information that has been taught to you from the beginning of the year.

Remember to continue to revise, organise your notes and complete your revision books.


All outstanding work must be completed before the end of this term!

Keep working hard.

January 17

Year 10 Mock Exam Feedback- Unit 2- Religion and Authority, Unit 3- Religion and Conflict

This week you will be receiving feedback from your Year 10 Mock Examination paper.

In your feedback you will receive generic information that many of you have been doing/not doing in your exam papers, such as:

  • Avoid using the words- some religions or they… be specific about which religion says what.
  • Use evidence- either from the Quran/Bible- or religious teachings from the Hadith/Saints/Prophets/Jesus/Mohammad/Parables/Stories/Books from the Bible-Genesis etc.
  • Link it within paragraphs- Point/Evidence- and then explanations- this means/so this shows/this evidences/demonstrates…
  • Always link back to the question- show you have an understanding of what is being asked?
  • Are you clear about the differences between Ao1 and Ao2… which questions have which requirement?
  • Do you use your time wisely?
  • Can the examiner read your writing?
  • Have you written enough? Too much? Did you make it clear when you asked for more paper, which question you were answering and where you were continuing/starting from
  • When mentioning Christianity- make sure you mention which denominations- Roman Catholics/Anglicans/Quakers/Church of England.
  • Ensure you know the difference between key specialist language; Use specialist language as often as you can. Show you understand the meanings of these terms/words.
  • Do not use one word answers.
  • Do not write the question in your answer. E.G ‘A religious believer may believe…’
  • Watch your spelling!

Please remember the difference of answers required from Ao1 questions- A, (2marks) B, (4marks) D(6marks) and Ao2 questions- C,(4marks) E, (8marks).

Also, remember that your Year 10 examination has one unit that was taught to you in Year 9- Religious Expression. We are currently studying your final unit- Religion and Medicine.


You need to consider how much revision you completed? What the gaps in your knowledge are? Why? How will you make up for it?

I will be arranging individual meetings to go through exam feedback with you over the next two weeks too.


I will not be giving you exam grades. I will only be telling you how many marks off the next grades you were…

Total mark is 53 with 5 marks awarded to just one of the part e (8 mark) answers.

(24 marks a unit remember!)

A*= 47




D= 27





October 21

Year 10- Expecting Excellence- Work from term 1a.


You have had up until the last week of term- 23/10/15 a total of 13 lessons. I have missed 3 of these lessons. (Sorry!)



You have had up until the last week of term- 23/10/15 a total of 15 lessons. I have missed 2 of these lessons. (Sorry!)


What is your attendance like to lessons? Is it good enough? Are you trying your best to get into school? How will you ensure you achieve the best possible mark? If you have 100% attendance, you will recieve a prize next lesson!


Here are the examples of excellence from your classes. If your work is presented here, you will get a prize for your effort NOT attainment! 



Holiday homework:
Catch up on ALL missed work, use the blog, the physical handouts and the above examples of excellent work.
Also, revise for your end of year test/exam. Based on EVERYTHING learnt so far.


October 19

Year 9- Expecting Excellence- Exemplar Work.

By the end of Term 1 a; Week ending 23rd of October.

9are4– you have had 13 lessons. I have been away for 2 of them, so a total of 11 hours of taught lessons by me.

9bre3– you have had 14 lessons of taught lessons by me!

If your attendance to lessons/school was turned into a grade, what would you get? These are my grade boundaries based on attendance. It is important to note that I simply expect you to attend EVERY lesson  🙂

A*= 100%

A= 95-99%

B= 90-94%

C= 87-89%

D= anything below. 

 How many of the bricks would be shaded black by the amount of lessons you have missed? Each lesson represents an important piece. Missing many lessons is like standing a wall up with missing bricks. brick

If you have missed a lesson and need to catch up, then here is what excellent work looks like from each of the lessons.

I would like you to go through it and use the accompanying PowerPoints/Resources here to ensure you have completed any missing work!




Please reflect…

  • Do you try your hardest in and out of lessons?
  • Is the work you completed done so with the very best of your effort?
  • If you do not understand or have a difficulty with a concept/topic, what do you do about it?
March 1

Year 9 Mock Feedback- Relationships- Exam technique

Generic Feedback from the Mock Examination on Unit 3- Relationships.

The exam was out of 24.

A*= 21

A= 19

B= 16

C= 13

Anything below requires you to do a resit. This will be after school and I will tell you when/where.

  • Avoid using the words- Some religions or they… be specific about which religion says what.

  • Use evidence- either from the Quran/Bible- or religious teachings from the Hadith/Saints/Prophets/Jesus etc. Link it within paragraphs- Point/Evidence- and then explanations- this means/so this shows/this evidences…

  • Always link back to the question- show you have an understanding of what is being asked for.

  • Are you clear about the differences between Ao1 and Ao2… which questions have which requirement?

  • Do you use your time wisely?

  • Can the examiner read your writing?

  • Have you written enough? Too much? Did you make it clear when you asked for more paper, which question you were answering and where you were continuing/starting from?

  • When mentioning Christianity- make sure you mention which sect- Roman Catholics/Anglicans/Quakers/Church of England.

  • Ensure you know the difference between non-conformists and literalists.

  • Use specialist language as often as you can. Show you understand the meanings of these terms/words.

  • Do not use one word answers.

  • Do not write the question in your answer.

  • Watch your spelling!

Screen Shot 2015-03-01 at 19.09.34Homework:

Re-do all examination questions in your book using the below PowerPoints model answer to help! Due in next lesson.