April 18

Year 9- Looking For Meaning- Death in Islam – The Afterlife

Click HERE for the PowerPoint and the worksheets we will use in this weeks lessons. 

We will be discussing and exploring the concept of death in Islam. We will also examine how the practices reflect every day actions.

We will also be using this lesson to focus on improving our exam writing skills.


Please note: You could have a recall test at any point of this term, based on any unit we have covered so far!


Here is the beginning of a modeled answer completed by Edward C.

‘Religious believers have to believe in life after death.’ Do you agree? (E) 8 Marks!

Some Christians, such as Roman Catholic would agree that you must believe in the afterlife. This is shown through the principles of Heaven and Hell. St Paul stated, ‘On Earth it is a physical body, but in Heaven it will be a spiritual body.’ This demonstrates that your body is simply a shell for your soul, and when you die; your soul will live on, in the afterlife. There is a special prayer called Requiem Mass which are said for the dead persons soul.

This is similar to some Muslims who would also agree that afterlife is an important belief in Islam. As they too believe in heaven and hell. On their deathbed Muslims should ask for forgiveness from Allah and also declare their faith. This is known as shahaadah. Muslims believe that the soul will be placed in Barzakh, which is where the soul waits for the day of Judgement, therefore suggesting there must be an afterlife. The Arabic term for this is akhirah.

April 11

Year 9- Looking For Meaning- Experience and responding to God.

Here is the lesson PowerPoint and lessons resources on Experiencing God. 


This is the lesson where we will look at how people demonstrate their commitment to God. 

Demonstrating God
These are the handouts we will be using!


In this lesson you will be carrying out a market place activity. It will help you learn from others!


March 22

Year 9 Holiday Homework- Easter Work!

Finish off all incomplete work by checking the PowerPoint and worksheets on the blog.


Also, create 5 mind maps on each of the following topics:

  1. Different types of love

  2. How to experience God

  3. Views on Money

  4. Creation stories

  5. How to answer exam questions



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March 13

Year 9- Unit 4- Looking For Meaning

This week we will begin Unit 4- Looking for Meaning. This is the final unit for the first RE paper.

We have covered Is It Fair, Our World and Relationships. You have all had many recall tests and past paper mock examinations on these units. We have gone through how to answer examination questions and annotated model answers.

You should all have quotes tables for each of the units and a revision worksheet.

Here is the Big Picture of this unit.

You will need to look up the definitions of all the specialist language. 

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Click here for the PowerPoint and the links to the videos we will watch!

March 6

Year 9- Religion and Relationships- End of Unit Mock

Here you will find all (not really- as I have left gaps in one of the revision sheets so you can THINK HARD to revise from it!) The resources I have given to you before your Religion and Relationships mock exam!

Watch this video clip for a brief overview of the topic too. Remember this is unit 3!

Watch this video for a detail breakdown of the unit with some practice questions!

Relationships-revision-worksheet – This contains an overview of this unit.

Key-teachings-for-Relationships- This contains some key quotes to use as Evidence for AO2 questions!

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