October 19

Year 9- Expecting Excellence- Exemplar Work.

By the end of Term 1 a; Week ending 23rd of October.

9are4– you have had 13 lessons. I have been away for 2 of them, so a total of 11 hours of taught lessons by me.

9bre3– you have had 14 lessons of taught lessons by me!

If your attendance to lessons/school was turned into a grade, what would you get? These are my grade boundaries based on attendance. It is important to note that I simply expect you to attend EVERY lesson  🙂

A*= 100%

A= 95-99%

B= 90-94%

C= 87-89%

D= anything below. 

 How many of the bricks would be shaded black by the amount of lessons you have missed? Each lesson represents an important piece. Missing many lessons is like standing a wall up with missing bricks. brick

If you have missed a lesson and need to catch up, then here is what excellent work looks like from each of the lessons.

I would like you to go through it and use the accompanying PowerPoints/Resources here to ensure you have completed any missing work!




Please reflect…

  • Do you try your hardest in and out of lessons?
  • Is the work you completed done so with the very best of your effort?
  • If you do not understand or have a difficulty with a concept/topic, what do you do about it?