October 5

Year 10- Religion and Authority- Lessons 6&7- Capital Punishment

Firstly, 10bre3- many apologies- I have missed the last three lessons of yours!! I apologise!

Once day I was off for Eid. (Good enough excuse…!) The other days, I was erm, er, sailing!?





This weeks lessons will focus on the Christian and Islamic perspective on the issue of Capital Punishment. We will be considering what both religious believe about this topical issue!


Here is the PowerPoints and resources we will use!

Religion and Authority- Christian Views- Capital Punishment 
Religion and Authority- Capital Punishment- ISLAM 
October 5

Year 9- Lesson 7&8- Is It Fair- Wealth and Poverty

This week you will be continuing work on the Unit- Is It Fair. We will be focusing on the issue of Needs and Wants and considering whether a rich religious person can actually exist?

We will also be having a recall test!


Here is the PowerPoint and resources we will use.

Wealth and poverty
Can you have a rich religious person?